Trench Maze

Menno Stienstra
Top Down Maze Shooter
Modelling, If statements, basic Unity UI, basic Unity AI


New orders just came in, the enemy is abandoning their trenches, pulling back and readying their artillery to destroy the old trenchline. Fight through the last defenses and get out the other end to disable the artillery, so we can use the trenches ourselves.

A top down maze shooter, where you battle against enemies and the timer. Blow up walls, and use your ladder to look over the trench structure to get out before they blow the entire trenches up.

What Learned

Trench Maze was a step a big step up, from more advanced moddels and the use of substance painter to give the moddels more texture. The game also made me learn the basics of Unity UI in the form of a timer, healthbar, and small inventory system. Unity Navmesh was also used to move the enemies.

Where To Find

As this project was for the intake of the CMGT study, the game has not been published for playing