Type Company
Februari 2023 – June 2023
VR, Networking, Team Structure, Webcam Input, Tooling


During a 5 month period I did an internship at VROwl. This internship saw me mainly programming VR trainings, and AR experences. I’ve also worked on creating some in house tooling for creating these things quicker.

What Learned

As I worked on a variety of different project I’ve learned a ton. This includes using a webcam to get images, gathering information and sending it to a different server using networking in Unity. I also learned more of how to use VR inputs to make the applications, this also includes some performance options like occlusion culling, threading, async programming, and reading information from the GPU. Lastly I’ve also used JSON to make a configuration file.

I’ve also learned a lot by working in a company, like working on a project with different departments, going to the client to showcase the product, and do a live feedback session, and settings up an installation of the application at a event. For this event I also made a document do the people at the event could easily know how to setup, shutdown, and get data from the application.