Horus Eye Quest

Menno Stienstra, Borja Barrachina Chirivella, Borja Callau Alcocer, Sasha Golubenko, Tygo Haan, Vitalina Khodun, Angelina Novruzova
2 Player Escape Room
April 2023
Networking, Phone Input


Two archaeologists searching for the ancient Hores Eye, they get sepperated and have to find a way to the treasure.

Two Player Escape room where one player uses a phone, and another on the computer communicate to get to the treasure

What Learned

I was in charge of prototyping, the 3d part and networking. For prototyping I found out that Unity keeps track of the horizontation of the phone, this was used to have the 4 different sides on the phone part.

After puzzles are completed the server would sent over information from the computer to the phone and back to unlock the next areas. For this TCP was used from .NET.

Where To Find

As this game involved a special server to work, it can’t be downloaded and played.