The Toad’s Descent: Lost Culture

Menno Stienstra, Anastasiia Volkova, Anastasia Dvoryanchikova, Ciprian Cristian, Ioana Stan, Lia Baysal, 
Deniss Gerasimovs
2 Player Coop Platformer
June 2023
Unity Shaders, Sound Manipulation
Jury Selection Overkill


The toad, our hero, goes on a challenging journey that takes it deeper and deeper into a swamp filled with old pieces of tech, memes, and other remains of the long-gone human race.

The Toad’s Descent: Lost Culture is a two-player, cooperative game get to the end of the levels working together as each of you control one leg of the frog.

What Learned

The game uses monitors to set the mood, they had to be glitchy and look like old TV monitors, this was done using a shader, and a rendertexture to load the video.

There was no healthbar in the game, to show the player health, the sounds would start to distort until there was too distorted. This combined with gradually increased post processing, showed that the sanity of the frog went down.


The game can only be controlled using controllers. Connect the two controllers and start up the game, use the controllers to navigate the menu and start the game